
Moo Shu Shrimp

Moo Shu shrimp is a delicious twist on the classic Moo Shu pork, a staple in northern Chinese cuisine. We’ve tried this recipe, and trust us, it’s a fusion of flavors you don’t want to miss. The shrimp brings a light, refreshing taste to the dish, offering a sweet note with every bite. It’s a fantastic substitute for pork, making the dish lighter and giving it a unique, fresh twist.

A beautiful plate of moo shu shrimp served on a bed of rice.


When we prepare Moo Shu shrimp, we include a variety of veggies: bell peppers, cabbage, celery, carrots, shallots, and, of course, earthy mushrooms make their way into our stir-fry. These vegetables not only add a burst of color but also provide texture; the mushrooms, in particular, offer an earthy depth that complements the other flavors beautifully.

Feel free to get creative with the vegetables. While the traditional recipe includes certain veggies, you can always add or substitute based on what’s available or to suit your taste. Snow peas, bean sprouts, or even bamboo shoots could add an interesting twist.


The sauce is where the magic really happens. We mix sesame oil, soy sauce, oyster sauce, rice wine, and hoisin sauce. Once this blend is added to the stir-fry, it creates a harmony of salty and sweet undertones with a hint of acidity. This sauce ties all the ingredients together, coating them in a layer of complex, savory goodness.

Stir frying

The key to Moo Shu Shrimp is the stir-frying technique, usually with a wok. It ensures that the vegetables remain crisp and the shrimp perfectly cooked, retaining their natural sweetness. Stir-frying is fast and hot, so it’s essential to have all your ingredients prepped and ready to go. Though this recipe uses a wok, you can still make a stir-fry in a non-stick frying pan, a cast-iron skillet or even a Dutch Oven.

An overhead photo of a bowl of beautiful Moo shu shrimp served on a bed of rice with different ingredients surrounding the dish.

Serving your Moo Shu

We have some delicious options for what you can serve alongside your Moo Shu dish;

  • Moo shu pancakes: Traditionally, Moo Shu Shrimp is served with thin pancakes. These are similar to tortillas and are perfect for wrapping up the stir-fry, making it a hands-on, interactive meal.
  • Steamed rice: A staple in Chinese cuisine, fluffy steamed rice makes an excellent base for Moo Shu Shrimp, especially for those who prefer a more filling meal.
  • Fried rice: A side of aromatic fried rice adds an extra layer of flavor and texture, making the meal more substantial and varied.
  • Noodle dishes: Options like lo mein or chow mein offer a great twist. These noodles, tossed with vegetables and a savory sauce, provide a hearty accompaniment to the Moo Shu Shrimp.
  • Stir-fried vegetables: Consider a mix of vibrant stir-fried vegetables like broccoli, bell peppers, or bok choy. They not only add color and nutrition but also a wonderful crunch.
  • Asian coleslaw: A side of crunchy, tangy Asian coleslaw can add a refreshing contrast to the savory flavors of Moo Shu Shrimp, balancing the meal beautifully.
  • Spring rolls: Crispy and light, spring rolls make a fantastic starter or side. They’re perfect for those who enjoy a bit of crunch with their meal.
  • Hot and sour soup: Begin your meal with a bowl of hot and sour soup; its spicy and tangy flavors are a great way to get your appetite going!

A close up of moo shu shrimp served on a bed of rice.

What is Moo Shu shrimp?

Moo Shu shrimp is a Northern Chinese dish made with shrimp instead of pork. Moo Shu pork is a traditional Chinese stir-fry with pork, mushrooms and egg and seasoned with ginger, garlic and scallions. In the Westernized version of the dish, pork is replaced with chicken, tofu or shrimp. In these newer variations of the dish, different vegetables are added to the stir-fry, such as cabbage, celery, carrots and so on.

What does Moo Shu shrimp taste like?

Moo Shu shrimp has a lovely crunch with every bite from the vegetables in the stir-fry. It has a little bit of saltiness and acidity from the sauce which comes from the soy sauce and rice wine. There are also undertones of sweetness in the dish from the hoisin sauce, shrimp and vegetables.

What is served with Moo Shu shrimp?

Traditionally, this meal can be served with rice, noodles or tofu. In different versions of this dish, Moo Shu shrimp is served in a Chinese pancake or a flour tortilla.

How can I store Moo Shu shrimp?

Store the mixture of Moo Shu shrimp in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 4 days. Add half a tablespoon of soy sauce and half a tablespoon of sesame oil when reheating the Moo Shu shrimp mixture in the wok.

Moo Shu Shrimp

Moo Shu shrimp is a delicious variation of the traditional northern Chinese Moo Shu pork dish. The meal combines beautiful flavors of saltiness, subtle sweetness, a lovely earthy texture from the mushrooms as well as a little bit of acidity.



10 mins

0 mins

10 mins

172 kcal

A beautiful bowl of Moo Shu Shrimp where the shrimp are big and juicy and the stir fry is a mix of celery, mushrooms, broccoli and bell peppers, served on a bed of rice.


  • 3 cloves minced garlic or 3 teaspoons garlic paste

  • 2 tablespoons minced ginger or ginger paste

  • 7 ounces sliced shiitake mushrooms

  • 7 ounces sliced brown mushrooms

  • 7 ounces shredded cabbage

  • 1 sliced bell pepper

  • 2 sticks chopped celery (1-inch pieces)

  • 1 carrot julienned

  • 3 chopped scallions (1-inch pieces)

  • 14 ounces peeled shrimp

  • 3 eggs

  • 8 Chinese pancakes (or flour tortillas)

  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce

  • 1 tablespoon sesame oil

  • ½ tablespoon oyster sauce

  • 1 tablespoon hoison sauce

  • 1 tablespoon rice wine (or white wine)


  1. Add a drizzle of cooking oil to a wok on medium-high heat. Add 14 ounces of peeled shrimp to the wok and fry until the shrimp are pink and browning (roughly 5 minutes, 10-15 minutes if shrimp are frozen).

  2. Once the shrimp are cooked and placed in a separate bowl, add another drizzle of cooking oil to the wok on medium-high heat and crack in all 3 eggs into the wok. Mix the eggs with a spatula until the eggs form small curds (roughly 2-3 minutes). Move the eggs onto the separate plate with the shrimp.

  3. Add another drizzle of cooking oil to the wok on medium-high heat and add all 3 cloves of minced garlic, 2 tablespoons of minced ginger and 7 ounces of shitake mushrooms and brown mushrooms. Stir-fry for roughly 4-5 minutes and then add the cabbage, celery, carrot, bell pepper and scallions. Mix and cook all the vegetables for roughly 2 minutes.

  4. Add in all the sauces, mix in 1 tablespoon soy sauce, 1 tablespoon sesame oil, ½ tablespoon oyster sauce, 1 tablespoon hoisin, 1 tablespoon rice wine. Stir-fry all the vegetables in the sauce for roughly 5 minutes until the bell peppers, carrots and cabbage have softened a little bit. Mix in the shrimp and egg and incorporate all ingredients together so that everything is thoroughly covered in sauce.

  5. For the chinese pancakes or flour tortillas, stack and wrap them in tin foil and heat them in the oven on 300°F. Wrap the mixture in the warm pancakes and enjoy!


  1. Calories 172 kcal | 
  2. Carbohydrate Content 13.53 g | 
  3. Cholesterol Content 61.44 mg | 
  4. Fat Content 8.04 g | 
  5. Fiber Content 2.67 g | 
  6. Protein Content 12.01 g | 
  7. Serving Size 1 portion | 
  8. Sodium Content 499.26 mg | 
  9. Sugar Content 3.79 g | 

About the author

Emma Donin is the culinary maestro behind this blog that serves as a melting pot of global cuisines and gastronomic adventures. Her culinary journey began in her grandmother's kitchen, where she learned the fundamentals of cooking and the importance of using fresh, quality ingredients.

Headshot of the author, Emma Donin